The Can of Soup that Changed Changed the Art World

Andy Warhol Campbells Soup.jpeg

Often viewed as Andy Warhol's signature image, this Campbell's Soup can image was a springboard not only for Andy Warhol's career but also for the Pop Art movement.  

Andy Warhol debuted his Campbell's Soup Can originals at Ferus, a Los Angeles gallery, in the summer of 1962.  The exhibit was only a mild sensation, however the movement that it kicked off is still recognized today.  The soup cans were originally hung in a single line for the exhibit.  There were 32 (thirty-two) canvases sized 20 inches high by 16 inches wide.  Today the soup cans are often displayed in a grid pattern, however originally they were displayed in a horizontal row, as though they were placed on a metal shelf, as on a market shelf.

The art work that Andy Warhol created with these soup cans was a direct affront to the abstract expressionism of the day.  Warhol chose to create commercial quality images of mundane objects.  He often chose subjects that were familiar and part of his everyday life.  It has been said that he was a big fan of Campbell's Soup and that he consumed it regularly.   

We can easily enjoy Warhol's work in our own homes through the Sunday B. Morning edition screen prints that were printed of 10 of the Campbell's Soup Cans originals.  Often described as "Blue Inks" these screen prints are stamped in the version in blue ink with "published by Sunday B. Morning _________ fill in your own signature".  Look for the Sunday B. Morning edition screen prints in the Art in the Fields Gallery in June 2015.